1. He is always happy! This year in football he adopted the nickname SMILEY KYLIE!
2. He is a hard worker. Who else would go shovel five driveways on their birthday.
3. He loves to tease his dad and Rudy.
4. He loves doing scouts and is doing a super job. He is now a Star Rank.
5. He loves to stay busy. He learned this from grandpa Haddock. When he was little he would follow him around the garden all day long.
6. He takes after Grandpa in that he has no brothers, just sisters and endures it well.
7. He has learned to play football, baseball, basketball, and soccer. This is listed is order of best to least.
8. He loves the computer and video games.
9. He is still patiently waiting for a playstation, X box, or a WII. Thank goodness the neighbors will share theirs.
10. He is growing a lot spiritually this year as a Deacon, He is still a little shy but is coming out of his shell more and more.
Kyle spent the day in school, Kyle wanted a Skateboard cake so had to get creative and attempt to make one. Thanks to Family Fun I was able to figure it out. I guess it turned out pretty good. The weather has been very, very snowy today. Kyle got clothes and stuff to go to the klondyke this weekend, and a air Hockey game. Sorry no WII yet.