Sunday, January 25, 2009

Tag Photo

I am not very good at this but I guess this is the 4th picture of the 4th folder. This is Kyle last year 2008 at the 6th grade worlds fair. It is a big thing the school does. Kyle did his report on Peru since his coisen Holden was there on a mission. That is where he got his cute hat. We also borrowed some things from Grandpa that he got from Brian Haddock when he went on his mission. It is a lot of funfor the kids and they learn a lot about the country. The other kid in the photo is kyle's friend, Baylor He is in our ward.


Jennifer said...

It's kind of fun to look back at older pictures isn't it? We just did this tag too. That's neat he was able to use some stuff that Brian brought back from Peru too. Probably about the only stuff left from what Brian brought back from Peru. He keeps throwing everything away before I can stop him. He doesn't like to have clutter.

Tara said...

Cool photo!

Mom's Managery said...

I would not have figured that was Kyle (the hat is deceiving)