Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Sad Day

Today was a sad day at our house. We had to put Rudy down. It wasn't too bad because we were warned a year ago that he had a bad heart valve and probably wouldn't live too much longer. This morning we went outside when the kids got on the bus and then I went to go in the house and thinking Rudy was following me, I heard a yelp and turned around and Rudy was just laying down. He hardly even moved for two hours. It took all his strength to walk across the room. He just layed around all day until I mentioned playing teatherball and he did lift his head like he knew what I was talking about and he wanted to play but had no strength to move. So Martin came home and decided he didn't need to suffer any longer and took him to the vet.
We have had him for about 8 years and was such an easy dog to get along with. We think he may have had a heart attack or maybe some kind of stroke.


Kale and Rowdy said...

Oh! How sad! It's so hard to see them go.

Kathryn and Danny Lange said...

so sorry to hear this bad news. I still have a hard time when I think about the dog we had for 14 yrs. and then had to put down.

Fiagle Family said...

sorry to hear about having to put him down. At least you kinda had a warning. or dad always gave them away!