It has been a year since I have posted anything. Wow what have I done? Well just work and keep up with LIFE! Martin and I just work and try to keep up with three almost grown up kids. We will soon be empty nesters its coming fast!!!
Krystal graduated from Snow college this spring and has decided to go on a mission!!! After a long search she finally landed a job as a CNA at Bear River Care Center. She likes it and it gives her some good experience working with old people. She received her mission call and will be going to the TEXAS SAN ANTONIO MISSION on Dec 12, 2012. She received her endowments in Oct 13, 2012. We are so proud of her accomplishments.
Kim is going to Snow College her 2nd year and this year without her sister there. She is taking Art , creative classes. She has good roommates and I think she is doing good. She is always happy and never complains.
Kyle is 16 Loves driving the car and playing football. Last week he had his first football injury and dislocated his finger. It was so compound they had to surgically put it back into place. His couch gives him the Tough Guy award. He never cried, complained or said anything. He can't wait to get all the bandages off because he actually hates having to ask for HELP!
Sunday, October 14, 2012
Sunday, October 23, 2011

I am so thankful for good Scout Leaders and his good friend, our neighbor, Colton Jensen, his best friend. They have worked together on every merit badge , and every campout, and played football together. Good Friends make all the difference.
Bishop Dave Fox, gave us the meaning and retirement of the Flag. We all learned a whole lot and he did an awesome job. Kyle's first Scoutmaster, Beau Lewis gave the meaning of the Eagle.
Beau's twin brother, Bobby Lewis, our Stake Young Men President Gave the Eagle Charge.
Grandpa Reed Haddock Presented the Eagle Pin to Kyle. Grandpa has been involved in Scouts for as long as I can remember. Kyle presented the mentor pin to Grandpa for being a great example to Kyle of Hard Work and Dedication. I think Kyle started working alongside Grandpa ever since he was three years old. I remember looking out the window and grandpa would be leaning on his shovel, and Kyle would be doing whatever grandpa would be doing.
I hope Kyle will remember this day and Always GIVE BACK TO SCOUTING MORE THAN SCOUTING HAS GIVEN HIM. Brother Lynn Martineau, conducted everything and at the end he gave kyle a quarter with an eagle on the back. He told him to hold on to that quarter until he has GIVEN BACK TO SCOUTING MORE THAN SCOUTING GAVE TO HIM.
Sunday, April 17, 2011
This is Kyle's latest mishap with a baseball. He was at practice up batting and they had the second fastest pitcher on the mound. Kyle says he never saw the ball coming and it hit him in the eye. Hes eye got even blacker then in this picture but it is much better now. He was lucky it did not break anything we had a bishop that got hit in the same place years ago and had to have reconstructive surgery so we are glad Kyle's was not that bad. Kyle is only the manager on the team he was not able to make the team during tryouts but he enjoys going and practicing with the team. They let him hit and play in the outfield just as if he was a player. I think he enjoys doing that very much. It keeps him busy and out of trouble so that is good.
Saturday, March 12, 2011
My first senior moment
This week my neighbor came home from her cruise. She asked me to pick up her mail for her and water her flowers. I watered the flowers but I couldn't get the mail because she hadn't given me the mail key!!! or so I thought!!! She came home and said "Did you get the mail?" and I said You forgot to give me the key. She said yes I did you put it on your keychain and sure enough I looked at my keychain and guess what I found??? THE MAIL KEY!!! We had gone out to lunch and she gave me the key and I put it on my key chain so I wouldn't lose it. everyone agreed that was a good place for the keys. Well maybe to good of a hiding place for me. LOL
So when I finally found the key I went up to get the mail and boy her mailbox was full!!! I am trying really hard to keep my mind at least until I am 50!!!
So when I finally found the key I went up to get the mail and boy her mailbox was full!!! I am trying really hard to keep my mind at least until I am 50!!!
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Mosiah 2: 17
When ye are in the service of your fellowbeings,ye are in the service of your god!!!!
Yesterday, I think I experienced the full meaning of this scripture. I experienced a full day of service. I just feel so good!!!! starting at 9:00 a.m. I went to a dear friends house to be with her and help her with her sick dying husband. We cleaned, fix meals and just offered compassion. Her husband died by noon. then I took my neighbor to her Doctor by 2PM and we then went to the store and bought food for my dear friends family and brought them food. we finished the day, cleaning her fridge and finishing her laundry and offering more compassion.
It has truelly made me feel closer to my savior and so thankful to be a part of the relief society, where we can all work together to give relief to our neighbors and friends.
Yesterday, I think I experienced the full meaning of this scripture. I experienced a full day of service. I just feel so good!!!! starting at 9:00 a.m. I went to a dear friends house to be with her and help her with her sick dying husband. We cleaned, fix meals and just offered compassion. Her husband died by noon. then I took my neighbor to her Doctor by 2PM and we then went to the store and bought food for my dear friends family and brought them food. we finished the day, cleaning her fridge and finishing her laundry and offering more compassion.
It has truelly made me feel closer to my savior and so thankful to be a part of the relief society, where we can all work together to give relief to our neighbors and friends.
Drivers Ed
This morning at 6:30 a.m. Kyle started Drivers Ed!!! EEEEK!!! another teen driver in the family. I get banned from the car because I get to nervous watching them learn how to drive. especially since two weeks ago when I dropped Kyle off at the church and headed back home to pick up the rest, I almost got hit by one of kyles friends coming to church. SO what I learned is two things teen drivers need to practice the most is: 1. judging distance on when to slow down and 2. turning corners and staying in your lane.
So Today is the start of a new adventure in our lives, hopefully we can survive it. I still don't know which is easier to raise. boys or Girls?????
So Today is the start of a new adventure in our lives, hopefully we can survive it. I still don't know which is easier to raise. boys or Girls?????
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Freshman Football
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