Monday, May 26, 2008

It has been awhile

It has been awhile since we have posted anything. With only having dial up it sometimes makes it very tideous to even want to try to up load anything. Anyway here we are again. Just wanted to let everyone know what a good time we had at the reunion. It was nice to see family that we do not get to see often. Any way we have uploaded some new pictures and hope to add more later down the road. Hope everyone has a wonderful day.

The Cazier's


Welcome to our Blogspot. I hope that everyone who finds this enjoys what they read. We are looking forward to adding exciting things about our family and hope you can get to know us better. As this is the first blog we have ever tried to start I am sure it will take time to get things posted as well as learning h0w to set everything up and the different things that can be posted here. Please feel free to add comments and suggestions as you would like to help us make this a better blog. We look forward to hearing from you all.