Sunday, November 14, 2010

Freshman Football

Kyle just finished playing freshman football. He played wide receiver. He had a lot of fun playing and just being part of a team. All of his friends call him "smiley", but his parents cannot.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Kim's Senior Picture

We finally got Kim's senior pictures done. The original is really 5X7 but we can't get the
scanner to scan it any bigger. We had her previous personal progress leader take them. I think they turned out pretty good. We are trying to talk her into getting contacts but she doesn't want to yet.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010


I Know it has been a long time, but I thought our life is too boring and have nothing to post about. Well I thought I could at least update a little about our boring life!!!
First, We are in a new stake in tremonton!! they realigned boundaries in our ward and took away people who live to the north of us, and gave us new people to the west of us. which created a brand new stake. Our ward got a new bishopric, and Martin was lucky enough to get put back in to the same calling he had before, which is Ward financial clerk, which he LOVES! Me I went from Relief Society Pianist to Primary Secretary. This is a whole new experience for me and I think I am beginning to like it.

Krystal is back at Snow getting her real education in life, Learning how to live one her own. She loves it and is doing good. I am so proud of her for making good choices. She loves to go weekly to the Manti Temple to do baptisms.

Kim is a senior in High school!!! She is taking a bridgerland college course in culinary arts. She loves to help me and learn how to cook.

Kyle is doing FOOTBALL GROWING, FOOTBALL, AND GROWING. He is now the tallest in our family. He has finally found a Eagle Project but has to wait till the church has the property of our new church building. He decided to plan and organize putting together picnic tables for our new church bowery.

That is our boring life for right now!!!

Monday, July 12, 2010

Cazier Reunion 2010

This year Martin's brothers and sisters got together in Star Valley, Wyoming to celebrate their dad's birthday. He turned 87 years old. We had lots of good food, fun and family togetherness.
The weather is so nice there. Today now that it is over I was thinking I should have done awards for all the hard work everyone did. but I am always a "too late thinker". So I will just have to send them in the mail. So this is my crazy thinking;
1. Mom and Dad AND Chad and Kim get the Hospitality award for letting us invade your territory.
2. Treisa,Ian and Ryan get the traveler award for coming the farthest. clear from Georgia.
3. Randy, Shari and Tim get the" workaholic award" always busy,busy busy doing something.
doing the tin on the buildings, cooking the food, and even hauling hay. Never idle
4 Melander clan get the "Entertainment award" always entertaining us with something.(leg wrestling, chicken song, and ultimate frisbee) and much laughing!!Except for martins little dance on top of the ladder that we all missed.
Martin cazier family I don't know what award we get that is a hard one
We had a great time and hopefully we can continue the tradition. Thanks to everyone

Monday, July 5, 2010

Martins 45th Birthday

How lucky can one be to celebrate your birthday with America!! Martin took the day off work and we just did nothing all day. Kim made his cake and Kyle mowed the lawn. When you have a 14 year old boy in the house you are lucky enough to never have to mow the lawn. Kyle thinks it is FUN to mow the lawn especially now that grandpa taught him how to run the riding lawn mower. Martin , Kyle and kyle's friend and his dad went shooting clay pigeons. I made martin's favorite for dinner, Enchilada's and corn.
Top Ten things about Martin
1. He always works hard for us.
2. He is so smart on the computer.
3. He has much patience with all of us.
4. He likes to make us laugh
5. He holds the priesthood in our home. That is such a blessing
6. always there to support each one of us in school and sports and activities.
7. dedicated to his church calling and is always there to help the Bishop.
8. Helps out around the house, learning to fix things.
9. He loves to take a nap and do puzzles
10. He is the best Husband and Father ever
Thanks for all of the fun times. now we will end the day by watching fireworks in Brigham.
The kids picked out presents for him and he got two shirts, shoes, corn nuts, tootsie pops, shoe cleaner, key chain to his new car, Dads root beer.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Sad Day

Today was a sad day at our house. We had to put Rudy down. It wasn't too bad because we were warned a year ago that he had a bad heart valve and probably wouldn't live too much longer. This morning we went outside when the kids got on the bus and then I went to go in the house and thinking Rudy was following me, I heard a yelp and turned around and Rudy was just laying down. He hardly even moved for two hours. It took all his strength to walk across the room. He just layed around all day until I mentioned playing teatherball and he did lift his head like he knew what I was talking about and he wanted to play but had no strength to move. So Martin came home and decided he didn't need to suffer any longer and took him to the vet.
We have had him for about 8 years and was such an easy dog to get along with. We think he may have had a heart attack or maybe some kind of stroke.

Monday, May 31, 2010


The first picture is the flower cupcakes that Krystal and Kim decorated for Mothers Day. They are done with marshmellows. I thought they turned out cute!
The second picture are necklaces we made at our Mother/Daughter Pig-Nic for Relief Society.
They were easy and fun. We ate pigs in a blanket and the tables were decorated with pigs. And no we did not PIG OUT!!!
The third Picture is of Kim when she received her Medallion for Excellence Award. The teachers
nominate a student for the award and they read why they nominated the student for the award while the student stands in front of the group of parents. This is what Kims teacher said.
"Kim is a quiet, polite, young lady. I am so proud of her. She is very shy yet she works hard to
overcome it. She is willing to stand up and give presentations. She gives her best in all she does.
I look forward to seeing her each day. She is an excellent role model for others."
As a parent it feels good to know you can send your children to school and feel confident they will do the right things and Be Good in the publics eye. I am so grateful for kids that are good, especially for their teachers.
For 9th Grade football, Kyle had a Lift-A-Thon this month. He has been weight lifting at 5:30a.m. every morning. The Lift-A-Thon was for two days, after school. His results were.
Bench Press: 95 lbs
Squat: 140lbs
Power: 65lbs
Hang: 90lbs
for a total of 390 lbs
I guess that is pretty good for our tall, skinny soon to be 9th grader. He is 5' 7" 125lbs.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Richard Dowling playing Nola

Today is mother's Day and in honor of my mother I wanted to post this song, "Nola". She was named after this song. It just makes you want to get up and dance. Kind of like my mother, She was always full of so much Life and energy. Her birthday was yesterday, she would of been 80.

I miss her so much! Listening to this song brings many memories I have of my dear mother, I just wanted to share with everyone.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Eat Brocolli

Also check out Fairview Scouts good Cactus Kyle helped with this one as well.

Mormon Ad

Our ward Young Womens made mormon ads for the stake mormon oscar night. Each class made one and since Kim was the only Laurel that showed up this is what she did. I thought it turned out pretty cute. Good enough for the New Era. Christ is always there with us we, never have to stand alone when we stand as a witness!

Friday, March 19, 2010


I thought we better post about Kim, since the last ones were of Kyle.
Kim just finished a Trimester at school with a 3.71GPA. Two A's and Two B's. and of course all H's in citizenship. She has got all H's or Honor in citizenship every year. She is just a good kid!
These pictures are her project she did in sewing class. She made an apron, hoodie and a car emergency kit. The last picture is kim's 17th birthday. She loves to decorate her own cake. Kim really loves to sew and cook, but she hates to drive the car!!! She is getting better though. She has started driving herself to Paino lessons. WE ARE SO PROUD OF YOU KIM AND EVERYTHING YOU ACCOMPLISH. KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK!!! keep driving you are doing awesome cause I know someone who was just like her at 16.!!!

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Kyle's first Snowmobile trip

Yesterday Kyle and Martin got to go on a snowmobiling trip to Beaver Creek or Franklin Basin.

They had a little too much FUN!! They came back with a lot of sore muscles.

Kyle just turned 14 so he could drive a snowmobile. He thought that was awesome. Kyle passed off his duty to god for a Deacon so a member of the Stake YM presidency takes them on a snowmobile trip as a reward. We ordained Kyle a Teacher today. I am so thankful for the church. It gives our kids many learning opportunities to learn and grow it is awesome.

Barbara gave me the opportunity to learn and grow also!! I actually drove Dad to the Salt Lake Airport and then we drove to primary childrens hospital to see Eliza, Jared's little girl. AND I SURVIVED!!! This is a major accomplishment for me I am not getting any younger so I better learn how!

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Snow Fort

Kyle and his friends made this snow fort this week. We have had so much snow all week. It is really pretty cool. You can actually walk in and stand up inside. It has withstood all kinds of wind, rain and more snow. It hasn't caved in yet so we thought we better get a picture before it does. If he doesn't behave, he now will have a place to sleep or stay.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Christmas 2009

For Christmas this year, we wanted to simplify and try to make things easier, so we actually tried a new tradition. With two teenagers and one 18 year old adult, it can get pretty expensive. We did the three gifts, so it would be more meaningful and easier shopping. This is what they ended up getting:

GOLD-Something to Cherish:
Krystal got the new worldwide cookbook
Kim got a jewelery box
Kyle got a CD boombox
FRANKINCENSE-Something to amuse:
Krystal got a friendship bracelet craft kit
Kim got a Bead and ceramic craft kit
Kyle got a birdhouse, racecar craft kit
MRYHH-Something to Use:
Krystal got a new Coat
Kim got High School Musical bed sheets
Kyle got a new Coat

Thursday, January 7, 2010

January 3rd

Gayle turned 45 this month. Happy Birthday to her. Hope it becomes a great year for her. Her friends came over and surprised her with an angel food cake. I am sure that made her day.