Sunday, October 14, 2012


It has been a year since I have posted anything. Wow what have I done?  Well just work and keep up with LIFE!   Martin and I just work and try to keep up with three almost grown up kids.  We will soon be empty nesters its coming fast!!!
Krystal graduated from Snow college this spring and has decided to go on a mission!!!  After a long search she finally landed a job as a CNA at Bear River Care Center.  She likes it and it gives her some good experience working with old people.  She received her mission call and will be going to the TEXAS SAN ANTONIO MISSION on Dec 12, 2012.  She received her endowments in Oct 13, 2012.  We are so proud of her accomplishments.

Kim is going to Snow College her 2nd year and this year without her sister there.  She is taking Art , creative classes.  She has good roommates and I think she is doing good.  She is always happy and never complains.

Kyle is 16 Loves driving the car and playing football.  Last week he had his first football injury and dislocated his finger.  It was so compound they had to surgically put it back into place.  His couch gives him the Tough Guy award.  He never cried, complained or said anything.  He can't wait to get all the bandages off  because he actually hates having to ask for HELP!