I Know it has been a long time, but I thought our life is too boring and have nothing to post about. Well I thought I could at least update a little about our boring life!!!
First, We are in a new stake in tremonton!! they realigned boundaries in our ward and took away people who live to the north of us, and gave us new people to the west of us. which created a brand new stake. Our ward got a new bishopric, and Martin was lucky enough to get put back in to the same calling he had before, which is Ward financial clerk, which he LOVES! Me I went from Relief Society Pianist to Primary Secretary. This is a whole new experience for me and I think I am beginning to like it.
Krystal is back at Snow getting her real education in life, Learning how to live one her own. She loves it and is doing good. I am so proud of her for making good choices. She loves to go weekly to the Manti Temple to do baptisms.
Kim is a senior in High school!!! She is taking a bridgerland college course in culinary arts. She loves to help me and learn how to cook.
Kyle is doing FOOTBALL GROWING, FOOTBALL, AND GROWING. He is now the tallest in our family. He has finally found a Eagle Project but has to wait till the church has the property of our new church building. He decided to plan and organize putting together picnic tables for our new church bowery.
That is our boring life for right now!!!